Illegal immigrants detained in inhumane conditions at the 18th Police Station of the PRM in Maputo

Dozens of illegal immigrants from various African countries are being held in completely inhumane conditions in the cells of the 18th Police Station of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), in the country’s capital. The situation represents a serious breach of human rights, which is why it is urgent to create a commission of inquiry to investigate the case and determine the due responsibilities.

There are dozens of citizens of various nationalities, including Guineans, Senegalese, and Congolese who, for long months and, in some cases, years, have been crowded in the cells of the 18th Police Station of the PRM, located near the Command of the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR), in an area commonly known as the “Brigada Montada”, on the outskirts of Maputo City.

Previous High-level Delegation and partners reiterate their support for Mozambique’s adhesion to the Voluntary Principles Initiative